Aqualyx (Fat Dissolving)
Aqualyx, developed for the non-surgical reduction of localised fat under the skin is a gel-based watery solution, which dissolves fat and is biocompatible (compatible with all parts of the body) and biodegradable (able to break down naturally and cause no harm). Aqualyx works by causing the breakdown of fat cells. The body then expels the released fatty acids naturally.
How is aqualyx used in cosmetic medicine?
Aqualyx was developed to treat stubborn areas of unwanted fat deposits such as:
- Thighs/inner thighs
- Knees
- Below buttocks
- Hips
- Stomach
- Chin/Jowls
- Under armpits/back
- Saddlebags
- Waist
- Gynocomastia in men
Your nurse will talk you through the treatment on the day. The procedure will involve cleaning the area with chlorhexidine solution. A grid will be marked out and several small injections of Aqualyx will be administered. Aqualyx is injected into the fat layer using a thin very fine needle. The treatment is tolerated well as an anaesthetic is added the injectable solution. Treatment can take between 15-20 minutes per treatment. Topical anaesthetic cream is not normally required; however, we do use this for areas such as the chin and under arms as they can be more sensitive.
Post injection the site may start to swell and become red; this is to be expected as part of the procedure. A reduction in fat deposits can be seen just after one treatment, however between two to eight sessions maybe required to see the optimal effect. The speed at which results are seen will vary depending on the stability of the cell membranes. It is recommended that the client opts for a healthy diet and lifestyle, while also incorporating exercise. This will assist results greatly.
Expect some bruising and redness of the area – some clients might find parts of the treated area become a little hard during early healing stages, this is normal.
Avoid direct heat ie sun, saunas etc for a few days after each treatment
Avoid physical exercise 4-5 days after treatment
Avoid anti inflammatory medication
A light support garment to the treated area may help to minimise any discomfort during the first few days post procedure.
Tenderness can be expected for a few weeks post treatment.
Aqualyx Small Area £100
Aqualyx Medium Area £125
Aqualyx Large Area £150